Thank you for your interest in this important Task Force! This group will be helping guide proposed changes at the Front Range Landfill within the Town of Erie. The community members who made up the Task Force met with a facilitator, Town staff, and staff from Waste Connections from April through October 2024.

The Task Force had a main priority of creating recommendations related to the future of the landfill property with the idea that Waste Connections may eventually come forward asking for updates to the landfill footprint and operations.

The final recommendations will be posted here by Nov. 12.

A presentation to the Town Council is planned for Tuesday, Nov. 19. The meeting will be a fully virtual meeting due to construction at Town Hall. The public will be able to share 3-minute comments during this meeting. Monitor the Town Calendar for links and more information.

Community Members Appointed to the Task Force

See information at the bottom of the page to learn how members for the Task Force were chosen. And watch the Council approve a final member of the Task Force on March 12.
Geoff DeakinSheryl Elliss
Michael Howard
Lisa Hough
Sherry KuntzChristina Schust
Cassie YehlScott Wood

Public Comment & Questions

The public was asked to share comments throughout the Task Force meeting process. The questions below were read by the Task Force members and addressed in the public meetings.


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The Project Team

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