Map of the Gateway property

The Town of Erie has embarked on an exciting project to develop a long-range vision and development strategy for the I-25 Erie Gateway. The I-25 Erie Gateway is located at the northwest corner of I-25 and Erie Parkway. The area encompasses approximately 1,300 acres and will serve as the eastern gateway to the Town of Erie. The community envisions this area as a mixed-use regional center that includes retail, housing, employment, and open space uses serving the northern Front Range.

The Town is kicking off a planning process to continue with the initial visioning that was done in 2018. Ultimately, this will result in a more detailed strategic plan and a Planned Development (PD) for the gateway area. This framework will provide property owners, developers, investors, and other stakeholders more specific direction and guidance on desired future development including: land uses, housing types, parks, open spaces, transportation, and utilities, among other things.

The project team is working with nearby property owners to articulate an overall vision, talk about future development opportunities, and discuss opportunities to participate in the new Urban Renewal Authority area (URA) that has been established in this location. There will also be opportunities for the community at large to weigh in at key points in the planning process.

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