Current Facility Overview

Built: 2014

Size: 17,971 sq. ft.

Challenges: Undersized for current staffing; lacks adequate patrol, detective offices, and training space.

Expand and Remodel

Modernize and expand the facility to meet operational needs, ensuring a safe, efficient, and inclusive environment.

Key Improvements:

  • Increase office space, meeting rooms, and locker areas.
  • Add secure storage, arrestee transport areas, and community spaces.
  • Implement sustainable, energy-efficient designs.

Cost & Financing

  • Total Cost: $38.6M (including construction and furnishings).
  • Funding: Consideration of Certificates of Participation with annual payments over 20-30 years, avoiding tax increases.

Next Steps

Finalize planning, engage the community, and align with Erie’s future growth vision.

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Amber Luttrell

Public Information Officer

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