To support our residents in being engaged, informed, and involved in the community, and to create more trust between residents and their public servants, we will be sharing "government 101" information. This includes basic information about how local government operates, where authority and jurisdiction lies, how funding is approved and allocated, and so much more. Have something you’d like explained? Share your ideas or questions below!.

Local Government Topics

Local government is the level of government closest to the people, responsible for making decisions that directly impact the community. In Erie, local government operates within multiple jurisdictions—meaning it falls with the jurisdictions of both Boulder and Weld counties, as well as the State of Colorado, and the United States. Each layer of government has a baseline of laws to follow. As the jurisdiction gets smaller, regulations focus on matters of local interest, but must still adhere to the minimum regulations created above it.

Erie is governed by a seven-person Town Council, which includes a mayor elected at large and six council members elected from three districts. The Town also collaborates regionally with neighboring communities like Broomfield, Dacono, Frederick, and Lafayette, along with State agencies such as the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and Energy and Carbon Management Commission (ECMC), and other governmental entities including Saint Vrain Valley School District (SVVSD), Boulder Valley School District (BVSD), the Regional Transportation District (RTD), Mountain View Fire Protection District (MVFPD), and High Plains Library District (HPLD).

Local government works best when residents participate in their government. You can do so by attending Town Council meetings on Tuesday evenings or advisory board meetings, with schedules available online. Local government should reflect the needs and desires of its residents—so get involved, share your ideas, and help shape the future of Erie! Visit our website to sign up for regular newsletters, find all social media accounts, and learn about other ways to participate.

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