The Town of Erie residents voted to approve a Home Rule Charter in November 2023. This new governing document dictates how the Town will be governed and includes details about the makeup and elections for the Town Council, how administration of the Town will be managed, how advisory boards and commissions will run, and more.

Home Rule Charter & Resolution

The Home Rule Charter Commission was created by a vote of the people in November 2022 and was tasked with drafting a governance Charter for the Town of Erie. The Charter Commission had a responsibility by State statute to complete a proposed Charter within 180 days from their election. The Charter was sent to the Board of Trustees on April 25, 2023 for that body to move the Charter forward as a ballot measure.

Education & Outreach Ahead of Elections

So what is Home Rule? Home Rule is a form of government based on a charter written by residents rather than following state statute. It is based upon the theory that the residents Graphics says Home Rulein the community know best how to solve local issues. A Home Rule Charter could give you the chance to determine if Erie should become a city or stay a town, whether the Board of Trustees should become a council, what the term limits are for elected officials, and so much more. Going Home Rule could affect finance, taxation, land use, elections, and administration in Erie.

If the community votes to “go Home Rule” in November, the Charter the Town uses to govern the community will be created by residents and you get to participate in the whole process.

Graphic with a timeline of the Home Rule process

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Gabi Rae

Director of Communications & Community Engagement

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Total Votes: 317