The Town of Erie Board of Trustees is considering adopting a policy to act as a guide for the Board’s consideration of Metropolitan (Metro) District Service Plans. Metro Districts are often proposed by developers as a way to help finance new development. This is a common practice throughout Colorado, not just within Erie. Metro Districts as a completely separate entity from, and not controlled by, the Town. This means that Metro Districts can implement their own funding stream (property taxes) that are not in any way distributed outside of the District. The Town’s only authority with regard to Metro Districts is the Board of Trustees’ ability to approve a Metro District Service Plan and ensure the adopted plan is followed.

Such plans specify, among other things, the district boundaries, the public infrastructure that will be constructed within the district, the maximum property tax rates the Metro District may impose within the district to finance that public infrastructure, and any disclosure requirements to alert those considering purchasing property of the existence of the District.

Metro Districts are an important financing tool that enable a new residential development to “pay its own way” without imposing financial burdens on the existing community. However, the reasonableness of tax levies in Metro Districts has been a subject of concern. The draft policy to the right is intended to address this concern and to, among other things:

  • Clarify the Town’s Policy Objectives regarding:
  1. Environmental Sustainability Outcomes
  2. Critical Public Infrastructure
  3. Smart Growth Management
  4. Strategic Priorities:
    1. Sustainability Outcomes
    2. Oil and Gas
    3. Economic Health Outcomes
    4. Attainable Housing
    5. Affordable Housing
  • Clarify the Town’s Evaluation Criteria for Metro District Service Plans
  • Specify Metro District Service Plan Requirements

We would appreciate your review and comments on this draft policy by Oct. 25.

To help explain the draft policy in more detail and facilitate your review, on Oct. 14, at 6:30 p.m. Town staff will be conducting a virtual Listening/Q&A session on this draft policy. Stay tuned for specific information on how to participate in that session.

Comments can be made out loud at the Listening Session or they can be submitted by emailing (please use the subject line “Draft Metro District Policy”) or can be written and mailed to Town of Erie, P.O. Box 750, Erie CO 80516.

We will summarize all comments submitted by Oct. 25 and share them with the Board of Trustees for review as part of the Board’s formal consideration of this draft policy. The schedule for the Board’s consideration is as follows:

  • Nov. 2: During Board’s Study Session to review comments received to date and discuss possible revisions to the draft policy.
  • Dec. 14: During the Board’s Regular Meeting discuss the revised draft policy and take additional public comments as a General Business item.
  • Jan. 11, 2022: Board consideration of resolution to adopt a final draft of the policy.

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