How can I contribute to the Water Plan process?
Erie is conducting a 60–day public review period from March 15 to April 15 to obtain input from the public on the draft Drought Management Plan and Water Efficiency Plan. Please submit your input in the input tool on ErieEngage, email to waterplans@erieco.gov, or deliver comments to the Town Clerk at Town Hall (PO Box 750, Erie CO 80516 or 645 Holbrook Street Erie, CO 80516) by April 15, 2021.
Why does Erie need a drought plan?
Drought occurs when there is a lack of precipitation and consequently there is a shortage in water supplies. Erie is in an arid environment where droughts of various severities and durations occur on a relatively regular basis. Effective drought management plans can remove the “crisis” from drought response efforts. Drought planning is a proactive means to reduce adverse effects on public health and safety, economic activity, environmental resources and individual lifestyles during a drought.
What is in the drought plan?
Erie’s Drought Management Plan calls for a series of operating principles and mitigation actions to be taken in advance of a drought in order to minimize negative drought impacts. These mitigation actions include the acquisition of new supplies, water conservation, and utilizing available storage and non-potable reuse water for irrigation purposes. The Plan also defines levels of drought stages in increasing severity that is associated with a targeted water savings goal. Each drought stage calls for a list of both voluntary and mandatory water-saving actions. The level of actions necessary depends on the severity and duration of the drought.